
Monday, March 13, 2017


March 13, 2017: (Week 3, Day 1) So I switched to month 1, weeks 3 & 4 trays last night. With every tray switch I get a little nervous thinking they're going to be really tight and like always so far, I end up a little disappointed. My bottom tray definitely fits very tight though, I just want to point that out. I had A LOT of trouble getting it out this morning, and I haven't experienced that yet so far. But what really disappointed me was the top tray! (of course lol) It's still not tight at all! But I have to say, I noticed that after I put the top tray in and bit down on the chewies, it did start to feel a little tight, it was weird. It felt especially tight on the canine and premolar teeth, so I'm guessing those are the teeth moving this tray? It's going to be weird wearing these for the next 2 weeks because I've been used to switching every week! OH and on my bottom tray on the back left molar, there's like an extra piece of plastic hanging off, it's weird. I'm scared to cut or file it off because I don't want to mess with anything, but it hasn't bothered my yet so far so I'm just going to keep it for now.

March 15, 2017: (Week 3, Day 3) My bottom tray is still very tight and actually pretty painful to take out. I feel like I'm digging my nails into my gums to try and remove it and it actually hurts. I'm also starting to notice my teeth feeling sore/sensitive while I eat and my back molars especially are extra sore. I also received my 3D treatment plan the other day and I'm a little concerned about how much my bottom front teeth are being pushed forward. I'll try and insert a clip of my plan but I'm hoping the movement in my bottom teeth are not as extreme as what the video shows. And that little piece of plastic hanging off that I mentioned before, it started cutting into the side of my cheek. So I just cut a tiny piece off and filed it and it's fine now. Just thought I'd mention that lol.

March 21, 2017: (Week 4, Day 2) Everything has been the same and I've had no new issues the past week, that's why I haven't updated. My back molars still feel sensitive, especially when I eat. I honestly haven't noticed any visible movement in my teeth, but I'll take a progress pic at the end of month 1.


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